I am David (Michael) Harper, a Mathematics Ph.D. graduate from Georgia Tech, class of 2023. My academic focus regards analyzing algorithms and optimization within random graph models. The hands-on experience of conducting simulations and analyzing data from these models fostered my strong interest in data science. This portfolio is a reflection of my expertise in the field. It showcases a variety of projects that demonstrate my skills in data science and analysis. Additionally, it highlights my familiarity with industry-standard tools and technologies, including Python, C#, QGIS, and SQL. I invite you to explore this portfolio to learn more about my background.
My research focuses on the relationship between randomness and algorithms with an eye for applications in machine learning and data science. I use methods from theoretical computer science and statistical physics to understand how small-scale interactions can influence larger system behaviors. I'm also interested in optimization within random network models. A significant part of my work in randomized algorithms considers what they can reveal about a system's noise sensitivity and robustness.
I'm passionate about articulating my interests through blogging. My posts span a spectrum from the practical to the theoretical, covering subjects like data science, probability, finance, and technology.
I also love creating games and I get particularly excited about incorporating mathematical elements into my games. Here, I showcase some of those games.